KLEA ( Kyushu Language Educational Institute) has professional teachers, dedicated guidance and small-group teaching

財団法人 日本語教育振興協会認定校 九州言語教育学院 Kyusyu Language Eduational Institute

  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • English


Enjoyable Japanese learning with friend at KLEA in Fukuoka!

We went to Gokoku Shrine as a first visit of this year on January 8th ans 9th.

It was a first visit for many students and learned manners of worship.
We were talking and chattering on the way to shrine but calmed down and became feeling sacred when we worship.

We drew 'Omikuji' ( fortune-telling paper slip) and took picures after worship and they have refleshed faces.
It should be one of their good experience to know Japanese culture.

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  • University acceptance result
  • University acceptance result
  • Where is Fukuoka?
  • 2018N^
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