- First semester begins
- New students' enrollment
- School trip
- Apply to JLPT
- EJU (1st)
- Tour to a Japanese company
- New students' enrollment
- Midterm exam for 2nd grade students
- JLPT (1st)
- Apply to EJU
- Speech contest
- Midterm exam for 1st grade students
- University/College information sessions
- Apply to JLPT
- 2nd semester begins
- New students' enrollment
- New class announcement
- Universities begin admission
- EJU (2nd)
- Medical examination
- JLPT (2nd)
- Christmas party
- Speech contest
- New students' enrollment
- Japanese dance lesson
- Exams and interview to university entry
- Final exam for 2nd grade
- Graduation ceremony
- Final exam for 1st grade
- Apply to EJU
- Spring vacation